Photo by Joe Brusky
The Milwaukee Freedom Fund was established in May, 2020 in response to the Uprisings sparked by the murder of George Floyd, and builds on decades of work to defend and protect Black Lives. Since May 2020, this Black-led group has provided legal education, funds for bail and tickets, and advocacy support to protesters in Milwaukee, Kenosha, Wauwatosa and other Wisconsin cities struggling for justice aided by donations from across the world.
The Milwaukee Freedom Fund is part of a movement to and end pretrial detention and ultimately mass incarceration. We pay bail for people primarily in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We support people who are most impacted by structural violence. Paying bail for folks that can not afford to restores the presumption of innocence, reunites families, and challenges a system that criminalizes race and poverty. We pay bail as a direct action toward bail abolition. Through community political education, releasing people from pre-trial detention and supporting abolition and protester efforts, Milwaukee Freedom Fund builds on a legacy of Black liberation and fights for a humane and just future.
So far, Milwaukee Freedom Fund has:
Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please note that the Milwaukee Freedom Fund is supported by the Wisconsin Alliance for Women's Health (EIN# 80-0287566) as a fiscal sponsor.
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